Masood Ali Khan
Christian Depriest

Rodrigo Ballester

Rodrigo Ballester will be leading us in the Temescal ceremonys and offering his wisdom through many years on the Shaman’s path.

Rodrigo was born in Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico. Of mestizo origin and coming from a Catholic family, from an early age he experienced what can be understood as mystical ecstasies or calls of the spirit. Between dreams and circumstances related to spiritual sensitivity and purity of being; rebellious, in his personal seek-and-find nature, and inclined toward the fine arts; walking as a couple and become a father.

Over time Rodrigo has been cultivating learning and instructions from various teachers, which now allow him to share with the best of him and his walk through this life, something from the world of healing in the American continent.

He currently continues to prepare himself, learning and cultivating his relationship with various medicines and techniques, but above all he continues to refine his way of walking through this existence, in the attempt to do it in peace and harmony.

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